Mission Statement

The parish family of Saint Edmund Campion is a multi-cultural, family-friendly community of faith.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, and under the intercession of our patron, Saint Edmund Campion, we celebrate our life in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Our Mission, is to commit ourselves to :

  • Worship God - accepting God’s presence in all aspects of our lives
  • Word - lifelong spiritual growth by studying the Word of God that nourishes our faith
  • Witness - lovingly and compassionately acting in the world as witnesses to demonstrate our faith and strive to be an enthusiastic, welcoming and serving Catholic Community of Christ's disciples. Indeed, the heart of every Christian community is our relationship with Jesus, the Son of God

The parish of Saint Edmund Campion is a vibrant and family-friendly community of faith, as part of the Roman Catholic Church. The many different cultural heritages of parishioners is celebrated.

Ruby Anniversary

We recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of the dedication of our church here in Maidenhead. The slideshow of old photographs which was shown before all the Masses has proved very popular - you can download the video and watch it here. Beware it is quite large (1.2 Gb).

Parish Office

The address of the Church and office is:

40a Altwood Road, Maidenhead. Berks. SL6 4PY

You can call Ruth McCartney in the parish office on 01628 628274 or send an email.

Office Hours
Monday 8:45am to 3:15pm
Tuesday 8:45am to 4:15pm
Wednesday 8:45am to 4:30pm
Thursday 8:45am to 12noon
Friday Closed

Parish Newsletter

Content for the parish newsletter should be submitted either by email or posted in to the parish office before noon on the Wednesday before publication.


Any content for this website should be submitted in the same way as for the newsletter above.

As a subsidiary site of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth we comply with the Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy.

Parish Structure

Our activities cover a very wide range. We have outlined the supporting structure.

Safeguarding Representative

All our activities are safeguarded. For more information please contact our Representative, Tricia Opalko on 01628 620183.

The full document of the Independent Review for Safeguarding from October 2020 is available to read and also a statement in response to it from the Catholic Bishops Conference.

Parish Pastoral Council

The minutes of the last PPC meeting on 11th July 2023 are here. The next meeting will be on 12th September at 7:30pm.

Wired for Sound (and Video too)

The church is a wonderful space to gather and has a full range of audio and video facilities, including VGA, HDMI, Apple TV and Google Chrome. A guide to how to plug in and use these connections is available here (caution - 12 MB download!).

Diocese of Portsmouth

We are part of the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth and our Bishop is The Right Reverend Philip Egan.

The diocese is a registered charity:

Catholic Dioscese of Portsmouth
England Registered Charity No. 1199568
Jersey Registered Charity No. 457 and Guernsey Registered Charity No.CH263
Diocesan Office,
St Edmund House,
Bishop Crispian Way,
Portsmouth PO1 3QA

Bishop of Portsmouth

If you wish to contact the Bishop, please write to the address below.

The Right Reverend Philip Egan
Bishop of Portsmouth
Bishop's House
Edinburgh Road
Hampshire PO1 3HG

How To Find Us

From the West: Enter Maidenhead on the A4, crossing over the A404(M) on the Thicket Roundabout. Immediately, at the next roundabout bear right into Cannon Lane and then left at the next roundabout into Altwood Road. Turn left when you enter the 20 mph zone.

From the East: Leave Maidenhead on the A4, up Castle Hill. At the third roundabout turn left into Wootton Way. At the next roundabout, turn right into Haddon Road. You will enter the 20 mph zone; turn right immediately after passing Altwood School on the right.

Phone the parish office on 01628 628274 or send an email.

St Vincent de Paul Society

Frédéric Ozanam, a young 20-year-old university student, along with six friends founded the first ‘Conference of Charity’ in 1833 in Paris with the aim of putting Christian principles into action by serving the poor. Frédéric and his friends took St Vincent de Paul as their patron. His writings preceded and laid the foundation for much of the Catholic social teaching of the contemporary age. Today, the international organisation numbers about 800,000 members in some 140 countries worldwide.

The SVP in England and Wales, with 8,500 Members, is thus part of a large, international network and has been carefully nurtured over generations by dedicated Vincentians.

The SVP in Maidenhead is a "small band of passionate individuals coming together seeking wise guidance in order to organise themselves to take on the world."

If you feel that you could benefit from a friendly ear look here to find out more.

St Edmund Campion Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Our primary school and nursery are located on the same site as the church and form an integral part of our parish community.

The nursery offers a stimulating environment to children from the age of 3 with structured learning in a playful atmosphere.

The primary school was rated as "outstanding" by Ofsted in 2009 and also in a recent Diocesan Monitoring visit in attainment and progress in religious education. Details are available on the school's website: www.st-edmund.org.uk.

Admission into our school and nursery is based on Mass attendance for some categories. In our parish, in order to help Fr Liam, we have a card-stamping system; ask him if you require one of these cards. Every time you come to Sunday Mass make sure you get your card stamped to show your attendance. Before your child is due to start school you will need to fill in the school's Supplementary Information Form, signed by Fr Liam. See the school's website for information on the current Admissions' Policy for St Edmund Campion School.

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