Here are some links to various web pages related to our parish and our faith:
St Edmund CampionCatholic Primary School
St Joseph's Parish
St Edward's Parish, Windsor
St Thomas More Parish, Twyford
Portsmouth Diocese
Portsmouth Diocese Directory
Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales
The Vatican
Missio - Catholic Mission Charity
LIFE and Pregnancy Help
Online Catholic Directory
Pax Christi UK
Catholic Women's League
Breathe (Facebook)
Portsmouth Diocese E-News
The Tablet
Catholic News Online
Catholic Herald
Zenit - The World seen from Rome
Official Vatican News Network
Widows & Orphans in Rural Kenya
Foodshare Maidenhead
Mill Hill Missionaries
Sacred Space
Busted Halo
Word Sunday
Word on the Go
Pray as You Go
Apostleship of the Sea (Stella Maris)
Maidenhead Care Good Neighbour Scheme
Quench Bookshops
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