PARISH NOTICES for the week beginning
21st/22nd May 2022 - 6th Sunday of Easter, Year C
God's Home

Making a home is a big opportunity of love for a husband, a wife and a family.  They try to make it their own: pictures and memorabilia here and there make a home out a house. It doesn't have to be perfect. The want others to be able to feel at home in their home also.

It is the same with Jesus. In our hearts and the depths of our personality he makes a home for himself and the Father (Abba). He asks for a loving and welcoming heart, not a place that is perfect, tidy and clean. To make a home is a work of love.  Jesus' making of a home in us comes through our growth in development and love. The loving marriage and family, the loving friendship, the heart that cares for others, these are what make Jesus feel at home.

Is this a strange way of looking on God?  We think of God in the power of nature and almost the maker of history. God seems to reject all this all-powerful view of himself and makes himself accessible in the home of our hearts.

Home is a place of help. We look out for each other, and the contented home is where each cares for the other. St Ignatius used say each day, 'Who can I help today?' Maybe we can make that part of the music of our homes. This is God helping through you, and it is God finding us and each other in love.

Lord, open my heart to prayer and care this day.

Open my eyes to the beauty and problems of others.

Open my heart to your love for me.


1st Reading: 15:1-2, 22-29. It has been decided by the Holy Spirit and ourselves not to saddle you with any burden beyond these essentials

Responsorial Pslam (66): Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you

2nd Reading: Apocalypse 21:10-14, 22-23. He showed me the holy city coming down from heaven

Gospel: John 14:23-29. The Holy Spirit will remind you of all I have said to you

MASS INTENTIONS            Sunday                    22nd May             11.15am         Lily Treacy (Birthday Special Intention).

                                                          Wednesday          25th May               09.30am         Janet Mackel RIP

BAPTISMS                                 Saturday               21st May               Sienna Grace, daughter of Sarah and Alexander.

                                                           Sunday                   22nd  May            Martina, daughter of Khalid and Margherita.

                                                           Sunday                   28th                         May Ava Marie, daughter of Rachael and Stanley.

FUNERALS                                Tuesday                  24th May              10.00am Mary Woodbridge RIP, at St. Elizabeth’s Church, Cookham.

GIFT AID We are looking for a volunteer to take this work on going forward. Please contact Sarah in the office if you would be interested and willing to do this voluntary role for us.  Ongoing this would be roughly 4 hours a quarter at most.

Also if anyone is making a regular payment to us, and is eligible for Gift Aid but hasn’t signed a form with us, the forms are outside the office in the Parish Centre. It would be great to be claiming as much as we possibly can. Thank you.

CHILDREN’S LITURGY Anyone who’s child attends Children’s Liturgy at 9:30am Sunday Mass. Please put your child’s name on the register as you go into the church. It’s so we have an accurate list of first and surnames for safeguarding of those attending.

MASS VIA YOUTUBE Mass is streamed live on Wednesday (9.30am) and Sunday (11.15am). To join, just click on the YouTube icon on the parish website shortly before Mass starts. Due to demand, this service will continue for the foreseeable future.

MAIDENHEAD ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY (SVP) are helping to support 240 adult and 80 children asylum seekers in our area. They arrive with very little and are not allowed to work. If you would like to help, then the list below contains the things that would be most useful. If you would like to donate any items from the list please can you bring them into Sarah in the office anytime over the next two weeks or phone 07749 917134

ASCENSION THURSDAY 26th MAY The Christian holiday of Ascension Day, also known as the Feast of the Ascension, celebrates when Jesus ascended to heaven.  This feast day is one of the ecumenical feasts of Christian churches, along with the celebrations of the Passion, Easter, and Pentecost. Ascension Day is generally observed on a Thursday, the fortieth day after Easter.

It will be celebrated in the churches:

RED BOX APPEAL The need to stand alongside our missionaries in prayer and solidarity has never been so urgent and necessary. In many areas of the world, they will be the first to respond to the physical and spiritual needs of our sisters and brothers who are suffering.

Your gift will reach missionaries and communities who need our help as soon as possible.

A Red Box appeal will take place at St. Edmund Campion parish over the weekend of 21st/22nd May 2022. We welcome Fr. Vincent Oates, who will invite us to sign up for a Red Box. We also thank or Missio Local Secretary in the parish, Louise Jennings and Barbara McWalter for their dedicated work and time to this charity. Last year as a Parish we raised £2561.59 through the Red Boxes and individuals giving directly. We pass on our grateful thanks to our Parish.

CLOSER TO CHRIST CAMPAIGN A letter from Bishop Philip will be read out at all Masses over the weekend of April 30th/May 1st. This letter will be inserted into the newsletter this week and is also available on the parish website. Please do contact Fr Liam if you are interested in learning more about this campaign.

MASS INTENTIONS There is a long and venerable tradition in the Catholic Church that the faithful ask their priests to celebrate Holy Mass for particular, specified intentions. An individual may ask a priest to offer a Mass for several reasons: for example, in thanksgiving, for the intentions of another person (such as on a birthday, good health, peace in family life), or as is most common, for the repose of the soul of someone who has died or on their anniversary. This custom, which was well-understood in generations past, is increasingly being forgotten. Since the practice is of immense spiritual benefit to both the living and the dead, and because it also helps to support your clergy and parish, we would encourage you to request that Masses be offered for your intentions. Please contact Sarah in the Parish Office, if you wish to have a Mass celebrated for your intentions.

Pope Paul VI said, “The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer!” It has immense power and countless miracles and conversions have occurred throughout the centuries by offering Masses for a specific intention or person. Mass intentions are a great treasure of the Church and have a spiritual weight that is incalculable.

FIRST FRIDAY Each First Friday will see a ‘Healing Mass’ being celebrated alternately at St. Joseph’s Church and St. Edmund Campion Church for 2022. We bring together all our needs and especially asking God’s healing spirit upon people and situations in our parish. You are very welcome.

The First Friday of the month is also traditionally a time when a priest visits a home to anoint anyone who is house bound, with holy oil, and to administer the sacrament of Holy Communion. The parish has several people on this list. If you, or someone you know would like a visit from a priest, then please contact Fr. Liam or Fr. Ephraim.

SACRISTANS From all of us, members of the St. Edmund Campion community, we would like to acknowledge the dedication and service that our Sacristans offer our community, who on a daily basis, ensure that our Church is clean and the sanctuary is prepared for each liturgical function. This team of dedicated sacristans has being involved in this very important ministry for many years. To Cynthia Bowen, Reena Kolassery, James Aiden, Ann Griggs, Angela de Souza, Moira McGovern and Beryl Bouchier we say a big Thank you!

The Sacristans’ team is always open to welcome new volunteers who may be interested in helping out in the logistical preparations for the various Services that go on in the Church. If you would like to know more, please contact a member of the team.

FACE COVERINGS AND SOCIAL DISTANCING It is encouraged, from a moral and respectful point of view, to continue wearing face masks during Public Worship. This is not a legal requirement, and several of our parishioners have an exemption from wearing masks.

If you wish to continue adhering to social distancing in the Church, then please arrive at least 10 minutes before Mass, and a section in the church will be reserved for you. Please, please respect the distancing in this area so that people can worship in peace and comfort. If you do not arrive before the Mass starts it will not be possible to guarantee a place in this area.

SHIELDING” for those in our community who continue to join at the Eucharist via YouTube on a regular basis, but for one reason or another, cannot physically come to the Church, and would like to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion, please let Fr. Liam or the parish office know. Fr. Liam will bring the Holy Sacrament to you whilst adhering to social distancing and a safe environment.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION We congratulate the children who will receive their 1st Holy Communion on the coming Saturdays of May. We pray that the Lord will keep them faithful to him in the years ahead and to be glad to receive him in the Blessed Sacrament.

Likewise, we thank our wonderful group of catechists who gave up their Saturdays to instruct them; many of them with young families and other commitments, but who said ‘YES, I believe in them’.  That is a wonderful gift.  To the parents who got involved as well, and all others (you!) who helped them be prepared for the sacrament.


LENTEN APPEAL for W.O.R.K. and THAMES VALLEY HOSPICE Now that this project is drawing to a close please will parishioners return the jamjars with their donations. These can be in the form of

  1. cash / coins
  2. cheques payeable to "The Knights of St Columba" writing WORK on the back of the cheque or
  3. a bank transfer to A/C 50554138, Sort Code 20-02-53, Reference WORK. 

Any queries please contact John Lynn on 07931 292934. Many thanks.

SIF FORMS FOR SCHOOL APPLICATION Fr Liam is available by appointment to sign SIF Forms, please remember to bring your stamp cards showing Mass attendance.

CAFOD ANNIVERSARY WALK St Edmund Campion and St Joseph’s parishes will be holding a joint walk on Saturday 18th June to celebrate CAFOD’s 60th anniversary. We will begin with Mass at 10am at St Joseph’s and do the circular walk from Maidenhead to Cookham, along the river and coming back through the fields (same walk we did in 2012 for the 50th anniversary). The walk is approx. 6.5 miles. Bring a packed lunch, refreshments will be available at St Joseph’s at the end of the walk. Please put the date in your diaries! To register please email

FIRST FRIDAY ADORATIONS FROM JANUARY TILL SEPTEMBER St Edmund Campion Church Ruby Jubilee Celebrations are taking place in September 2022. In order to prepare for this, we are hosting a novena of 9 first fridays to pray, to meditate, to fast and to give joy for everything to all that our church community has offered us over 40 years of service and the faith and support it has given to our families. If you can come for an hour or 2 hours or even whole evening starting on the first Friday of January (7th) from 7pm until 8am Saturday morning. We would love to start a rota, where a number of people could do this on the first Friday of each month from January through to September in preparation for prayer and our celebration. During this time the church will be open through the night and everyone is welcomed to come and stay with the Lord. Please contact or text Agnieszka on 07871 258181 or email

PILGRIMAGES A pilgrimage is a journey that has religious or spiritual significance. The journey is usually taken to an important religious place. 

PARISH COLLECTION Please continue to support your parish, its activities and outreach programmes by contributing to the weekly collection via the 'baskets' and/or Contactless. It is very positive that a lot of our parishioners, over the course of the pandemic, switched their contribution from cash to Bank Transfer.

NB: If you want to set up a direct debit or standing order (or even make a one-off donation) the account details are:

Account name: St. Edmund Campion Maidenhead

Sort code: 30-93-04

Account number: 00882551

JOHN PAUL II AWARD This is a faith achievement award for young people between the age of 16 and 18. It is non-competitive, inclusive, flexible and voluntary.

The Award enables participants to take an active part both in the life of their Church and in the life of their community and society. For further details, contact Jonathan on or 01628 626527.

WEDNESDAY BRIDGE CLUB All past bridge players and parishioners who would like to learn the game are invited. Please contact John Lynn for more information.

THURSDAY CLUB Meets every other Thursday (next is 12th May). Open to everyone, of all ages. A chance to meet up, have a coffee and a chat. We also organise occasional speakers and days out. Please contact Angela for more information.

ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY is an international voluntary organization in the Catholic Church, founded in 1833 for the sanctification of its members by personal service of the poor, the migrant, the refugee, the lonely and the vulnerable.

This wonderful organisation of prayer, empowerment and solidarity is revamping itself in the Maidenhead area and will be known as ‘SVP Maidenhead’. Meetings will be held between St. Edmund Campion, St. Joseph's & St. Elizabeth's.

Ruth Dean has been a very vital light in guiding this organisation over many years and the ‘baton’ has now been handed over to Jean-Marc Hall. All are welcome and, yes we can make a difference!.

YOGA CLASSES Classes every Tuesday in the parish centre at noon. Contact Rachel, and look on Facebook or Instagram. Note: There is no class on Tuesday 1st June.

COX GREEN LUNCHEON CLUB For more information contact Ruby Doughty on 01628630703 or

TODDLERS GROUP Every Friday in term-time from 8:45 to 10:45am in the Parish Centre. Contact Jenny on for more information.


PARISH HALL The Parish Hall is available to hire, for parties, celebrations, meetings, training, classes and anything else you can think of. It’s a great community space, and is available for £25 per hour.


To celebrate National Bird Box week we heard from Órlagh and Vincent about the work they are doing to care for God’s creation and in particular how they are making the land around the church more wildlife friendly. You were invited to do the same at home and many of you placed an order for your own homes for bees, birds, hedgehogs and bats. You can still do so by going to

This is part of the Eco-Church scheme we have signed up to which asks us to look at five areas: our church buildings, the land around it, how we include looking after our planet in our worship, supporting other communities impacted by climate change, and making changes in our own lives.

We have other activities planned for later this year and would be happy to hear from you if you would like to get involved or have an idea of your own. Please contact Sarah Bowden ( 

LIBRARY We have a parish library located in the foyer of the Parish Centre. One bookcase is dedicated to Theology/Religious books, another bookcase to Fiction/Non-Fiction and a third smaller bookcase to children's Bibles/Bible stories etc. Please feel free to borrow/swap.

If you would like to donate, we can only accept books that are in excellent and clean condition. Thank you and enjoy.

FOODSHARE We are a collection point for Foodshare. Our collection area is just inside the porch doors, but if you leave food outside, out of hours (in a bag or other covering) the building is regularly checked. Foodshare are currently really in need of tinned vegetables and tinned meat, amongst all the regular donations.

APPOINTMENTS If you wish to speak to Fr Liam or Fr Ephraim in confidence on any matter, please contact either one for an appointment. They are happy to visit your home if so desired, adhering to social distancing guidelines.

HOUSEBOUND If you know of anyone who is sick and/or housebound, please let Sarah (Parish Office), Fr Liam or Fr Ephraim know so that a visit can be arranged.


Father Ephraim will be the ‘link person’ for pastoral matters concerning the parish of St. Joseph’s and St. Elizabeth’s. He will also be chaplain to St. Mary’s school.

Father Liam will be the ‘link person’ for the parish of St. Edmund Campion and will be chaplain to St. Edmund Campion school.

Fr. Ephraim and Fr. Liam are on call each day and will serve our community as best they can. You can call either of them on their mobile numbers, contact them via email or visit them at St. Joseph’s Presbytery. As we enter a new liturgical year, the four or five weekends of a month will see the same priest celebrating Mass in that particular parish. So, for January, Fr. Liam will preside at weekend Masses at St Joseph’s & St. Elizabeth’s and Fr. Ephraim at St. Edmund Campion. The following month they will swap around.

THE WELCOMING MINISTRY (Mass Rep) is dedicated to helping all parishioners and visitors enhance their worship experience at Mass by making them feel welcome and included in our Eucharistic celebration, helping them connect with our parish, and participating in the numerous ministry opportunities offered at St. Edmund Campion. The Mass Rep is the ‘overseer’ in ensuring that the various ministries during Mass are fulfilled. Further, they are there to help you with any queries.

We thank our mass reps:

6:15pm Saturday: Reena K. 9:30am Sunday: Elvira E-M & Shirley F. 11:15am Sunday: Julie C.

School News

ADMISSION INTO ST EDMUND CAMPION SCHOOL AND NURSERY is based on Mass attendance for some categories. In our parish, we have an attendance card available from the table in the church lobby. Every time you come to Sunday Mass please get your card stamped. For information on the current Admissions Policy see the school's website,

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